
Team Project Page Template

Page history last edited by Alan Liu 10 years, 3 months ago

Template Instructions for Team Project Page


Method 1:

The easiest way for students to format a page of their work on the Student Work site with a "template" that creates a uniform look-and-feel for student pages in the course is to choose one of the pre-made templates during the process of creating a new page.


  • Step 1: Start Creating a New Page.

    • You can do this either by going to the tab at the top for "Pages & Files" and then clicking "New",
      PBWorks Create New Page tabs
    • Or you can add a link on the site to a not-yet-existing page (like this: Bibliography by Alan Liu), and then (after you have saved the page on which the link resides) click on the link to automatically open the dialogue for creating that new page.

  • Step 2: Before you actually click the button to create the new page, choose one of the pre-made templates for the page.  For example:
    Creating a new page with a template


Method 2:


  • If you create your page first without a template, then you can cut-and-paste into the page the section between dotted lines below. (This is what would have been put automatically on your new page according to Method 1 above.)
  • Page naming (filename) convention: Example, "Social Networks in Macbeth Project"



Copy between the dotted lines:


XXX Project [e.g., Social Networks in Macbeth Project]

Team Members: [fill in names with links to class bios]


Create the content here for your team project page in whatever format you wish.




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