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Class 4 Notes
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last edited
by Alan Liu 2 years, 10 months ago
Preliminary Class Business
1. "Distant Reading" (continued)
- Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History (2005)
- Opening paragraph (p. 1)
- Figure 2 (p. 7)
- Figure 3 (p. 10)
- Figure 7 (p. 15)
- Figure 9 (p. 19)
- (p. 4)
- (p. 13)
- (pp. 20-21)
- (pp. 14, 25n.)
- (p. 26)
- Other References That Might Help Class Discussion:
- Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
- "Annals" historical method
- Distant reading and individual works?
2. Mapping
Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees, p. 35:
- Moretti on Mapping:
- (pp. 35-36) "Then you make a map of the book, and everything changes.
- (p. 38) "A circular system of geography, and a linear one"
- (p. 39) "But in order to see the pattern..."
- (p. 53) "What do literary maps do?"
- (p. 54-56) "This however is not really geography" (geometry vs. geography, diagrams vs. maps)
3. GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
- Google Earth (and its tools)
- Literary uses of GIS mapping:
4. Mapping in Digital History
- Examples of GIS Digital History Projects:
Class 4 Notes
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